

JSON responses on this page contributed by Tim Reynolds

REST API: Customers

URI: /customers

Allows you to create and retrieve customers.

URL Structure: https://inovarti.com.br/index.php/api/rest/customers
Version: 1

HTTP Method: GET /customers

Description: Allows you to retrieve the list of existing customers.
Notes:: Only Admin user can retrieve the list of customers with all their attributes.

Authentication: Admin
Default Format: XML
No Parameters


GET https://inovarti.com.br/index.php/api/rest/customers

Response Body:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <email>[email protected]</email>
    <created_at>2012-03-22 14:15:54</created_at>
    <created_in>Default Store View</created_in>
    <email>[email protected]</email>
    <created_at>2012-03-28 13:54:04</created_at>

response example: json

get https://inovarti.com.br/index.php/api/rest/customers

response body:

  "2": {
    "entity_id": "2",
    "website_id": "1",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "group_id": "1",
    "created_at": "2012-03-22 14:15:54",
    "disable_auto_group_change": "1",
    "firstname": "john",
    "lastname": "Doe",
    "created_in": "Admin",
    "prefix": null,
    "suffix": null,
    "taxvat": null,
    "dob": "2001-01-03 00:00:00",
    "reward_update_notification": "1",
    "reward_warning_notification": "1",
    "gender": "1"
  "4": {
    "entity_id": "4",
    "website_id": "1",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "group_id": "1",
    "created_at": "2013-03-28 18:59:41",
    "disable_auto_group_change": "0",
    "firstname": "Earl",
    "lastname": "Hickey",
    "created_in": "Admin",
    "prefix": null,
    "suffix": null,
    "taxvat": null,
    "dob": "2012-03-28 13:54:04",
    "reward_update_notification": "1",
    "reward_warning_notification": "1",
    "gender": "1"
HTTP Method: POST /customers

Description: Allows you to create a new customer.
Authentication: Admin
Default Format: XML

Name Description Required Type Example Value
firstname The customer first name required string John
lastname The customer last name required string Doe
email The customer email address required string [email protected]
password The customer password. The password must contain minimum 7 characters required string 123123q
website_id Website ID required int 1
group_id Customer group ID required int 1
disable_auto_group_change Defines whether the automatic group change for the customer will be disabled optional int 0
Customer prefix optional
string Mr.
Customer middle name or initial optional
string R.
Customer suffix optional
string Sr.
Customer Tax or VAT number optional
string GB999 9999 73

Notes: The list of parameters may change depending on the attributes settings in Customers > Attributes > Manage Customer Attributes page in Inovarti Platform Admin Panel. For example, a required status of the middlename attribute (Middle Name/Initial) may be changed to 'YES". Please note that managing customer attributes is available only in Inovarti Platform Commerce.


POST https://inovarti.com.br/index.php/api/rest/customers

Request Body:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <email>[email protected]</email>

If the customer was created successfully, we receive Response HTTP Code = 200, empty Response Body and Location header like '/api/rest/customers/555' where '555' - an entity id of the new customer.

HTTP Method: PUT /customers

Description: Not allowed

HTTP Method: DELETE /customers

Description: Not allowed

REST API: Customer

URI: /customers/:customerId

Allows you to manage existing customers.

URL Structure: https://inovarti.com.br/index.php/api/rest/customers/:customerId
Version: 1

HTTP Method: GET /customers/:customerId

Description: Allows you to retrieve information on an existing customer.
Notes:: The list of attributes that will be returned for customers is configured in the Inovarti Platform Admin Panel. The Customer user type has access only to his/her own information. Also, Admin can add additional non-system customer attributes by selecting Customers > Attributes > Manage Customer Attributes. If these attributes are set as visible on frontend, they will be returned in the response. Also, custom attributes will be returned in the response only after the customer information is updated in the Inovarti Platform Admin Panel or the specified custom attribute is updated via API (see the PUT method below). Please note that managing customer attributes is available only in Inovarti Platform Commerce.

Authentication: Admin, Customer
Default Format: XML
No Parameters


GET https://inovarti.com.br/index.php/api/rest/customers/2

Response Body:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <email>[email protected]</email>
  <created_at>2012-03-22 14:15:54</created_at>
  <created_in>Default Store View</created_in>
  <last_logged_in>2012-03-22 14:15:56</last_logged_in>

response example: json

response body:

  "entity_id": "2",
  "website_id": "1",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "group_id": "1",
  "created_at": "2012-03-22 14:15:54",
  "disable_auto_group_change": "1",
  "created_in": "English",
  "firstname": "john",
  "lastname": "Doe"
HTTP Method: POST /customers/:customerId

Description: Not allowed.

HTTP Method: PUT /customers/:customerId

Description: Allows you to update an existing customer.
Notes: The list of attributes that will be updated for customer is configured in the Inovarti Platform Admin Panel. The Customer user type has access only to his/her own information.

Authentication: Admin, Customer
Default Format: XML
You must specify only those parameters which you want to update. Parameters that are not defined in the request body will preserve the previous values. The website_id and created_in attributes are not allowed for updating.


PUT https://inovarti.com.br/index.php/api/rest/customers/2

Request Body:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <email>[email protected]</email>
HTTP Method: DELETE /customers/:customerId

Description: Allows you to delete an existing customer.
Notes: Admin only can delete a customer.

Authentication: Admin
Default Format: XML
No Parameters


DELETE https://inovarti.com.br/index.php/api/rest/customers/2